Taking on SDGs through Undokaiya

About the SDGs
There are 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the UN in 2015, that have been established for member nations to reach by 2030.
Our pledge is to "leave no one behind" and tackle the difficult issues of poverty, conflict, the environment, education, and welfare.
The Japanese culture of Undokai has nothing to do with age, gender, nationality, religion, language, wealth, disability, or politics, and have important elements for realizing the SDGs. Undokaiya aims to realize the SDGs by positioning this athletic meet as a global standard.

Social issues solved through business
【Theme: Work Satisfaction】
All people support the planning and operation of the athletic meet held by their organizations with the aim of obtaining a meaningful role. Those involved cooperate with one another in order to understand everyone’s rights and equality, and respect for cultural diversity. We believe fostering this attitude enables societies to move towards tackling SDGs. Athletic meets creates an environment where you can acquire knowledge and skills.
・Planning and managing an athletic meet
Relation to SDGs
【Theme: Health and Education to the World】
By spreading Japan's athletic meets to promote physical and emotional wellness in children, we strive to create a healthier society. We believe physical interaction leads to greater understanding among groups and can eliminate miscommunication for a sustainable future.
・UNDOKAI World Caravan(Intl. NGO JSC)
Relation to SDGs
【Theme: Local Education and Community Development】
We build partnerships with local governments and organizations and hold athletic meets for residents in their locale. These encourage locals to congregate in accessible public spaces to establish a closer sense of community in a variety of settings, be it rural or urban.
・Local Revitalization
・Undokai Caravan
Relation to SDGs